The Importance of Global Marketing Concept

A few generations ago, it took months to deliver products to markets in other countries, and use it as a difficult task that only large commercial companies able to do to take risks. Later, the development of the transport industry makes the possibility of people and products move much faster, and the first pulse began to globalization.

More recently, in particular information technology and the Internet has further shrunk the world. A company can elsewhere partners and employees in the world have, and consumers can get the products from locations within a few days.

Pictures The Importance of Global Marketing Concept
The Importance of Global Marketing Concept

What global marketing?

global marketing is more than just sell products internationally. Instead, it contains the whole process of planning, preparation, placement and the company's products in the markets all over the world to promote. Large companies often have offices in its international markets; but with the spread of the Internet, even small companies can reach customers around the world. (See also International Marketing)

Even if a company chooses not to expand globally, and domestic competitors can stand by foreign companies. This competition has made it almost a necessity for most businesses to establish an international presence.

Which employs global marketing?

global marketing is very important for a product that has universal demand, such as food and cars. So tend to be a beverage company more market than, say, a wooden toy manufacturers; but also a wooden toy company may find a niche market in many parts of the world. Even today, most companies focus on the domestic market (which is the largest economy in the world), with only one percent of US companies to invest in exports. However, the value of US exports remained rise, around $ 2100000000000 in 2011 amounting to.

10 largest Global Company (excluding Oil & Energy)

1. Wal-Mart
2. Toyota
3. Volkswagen
4. Japan Post Holdings
5. Glencore International (raw materials)
6. ING (Financial Services)
7. General Motors
8. Samsung Electronics
9. Daimler
10. General Electric

Some examples of global marketing individuals include:

Coca-Cola began internationally again in 1919 and is sold today in more than 200 countries. To a consistent brand Coca-Cola tastes the same in each region (although outside the United States, a recipe with sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup) in, but the size, shape and label the bottle rotates in accordance with the standards to obtain the individual countries. While the company previously used a standard display approach, it has changed to fit the local culture of advertising messages. It will also adjust its product line-up for local tastes; a number of additional beverage brands including.

McDonald made sure that the Big Mac tastes the same in each country; but also varies on the menu local taste. Customers in Mexico, the green chili cheeseburger, customers in Korea ordered Bulgogi Burger could eat; and customers in many Arab countries can McArabia, a kofta sandwich toasted enjoy flatbread.

Starbucks designed to also fit their menu local taste. In Hong Kong, for example, sell dragon dumplings. And as a global buyer of coffee, the company has long had a reputation to match the local culture to engage with their needs.

In Japan Kentucky Fried Chicken has managed to associate their products with Christmas, and around the block to get every year the Japanese line their KFC chicken that day.

An example of a non-American global marketing, consider Ahava, which started as a tourist, who sells on the Dead Sea mud and salt bottles of the famous waters. From this auspicious beginning, they developed a line of cosmetics, and even with a US company together that has a global sales network, sold its cosmetics in high-end department stores worldwide.

What kind of clients do not achieve global marketing?

Since global marketing relates to a variety of different products and options, it is not possible to identify an individual customer profile. A global company must be willing to develop profiles for each of the different areas of trade with the United States' largest trading partner Canada, Mexico, China and the European Union. However, international trade not end there.

Depending on the product, the customer can achieve in the world almost everywhere. To do this, global companies can rely on local distribution networks; but as they grow in a particular market, they can form their own network. The companies are trying to open up new markets tend to begin with the centers of densely populated urban areas, to move before the environment.

Particular attention should be paid to the international online market continues to grow, the strong the access attempt "improves to customers all over the world -. If they can speak the language of JP Morgan, in a report to the Ministry of Commerce, estimated that only 27 percent of online shoppers in English but have in Korea, 99 percent of those who access the Internet online store;.. in Germany and Japan, 97 percent Thus, companies that want to tap into these markets, does not need only to create a good product and do what works in the United States;. they must also immerse themselves in the language and culture of the international markets, which they want to enter (see also e-commerce marketing)

How does global developed marketing campaign?

As global marketing product, companies need to recognize that the marketing mix that works on the domestic market can not have the same success in other markets. Differences in local competitions may require different pricing strategies. Local infrastructure can affect how the products manufactured and / or delivered. In some cases it may be advantageous to produce things locally; In other cases it may be cheaper to ship it across the world by all.

Partnerships with local companies to come into the market is an important step in the expansion; while in other markets, such partnerships can the brand be diluted (see also Local Marketing). Intelligent Global marketers need to all aspects of marketing in addition to the task, consider the communication between cultures.

If a product or a global brand to promote, the company has to decisions about the trade-off between the Embassy and local standards. A single message is cheaper to maintain in the production and brand consistency; but may not be good in some areas due to the difference in the values or cultural expectations.

A global company should carefully explore the different markets, and prepare adjustments to the product and message, which make always necessary. Sometimes this requires a change of name (eg Chevy Nova not sell in Spain, as "no va" in Spanish means "does not go"). Sometimes even changes in the package (shocked in the United States, Gerber baby food has to represent a cute baby on the label, the brand, but in some countries the buyer expects the image to display the contents of the tube, and by the images ).

Have to work individual marketers with the global campaign to try the language market they are assigned to learn to check for the purpose either business relationships with local companies for the management and the translation effort. For example, how do you assess the work of someone who has translated your company's website? Is meaningful translation, or just full of buzzwords?

In addition, marketers personally visit their target market, and spend a lot of time in it-also moved in them for a while. Here they can develop local contacts, as well as a deeper understanding of how business is conducted in the field. In Japan, for example, is not enough to speak only Japanese; You also need to make with the Japanese fashion shops. Learn what is cultural and estimated what the offensive.

Develop and respect, local business talent also important for global marketing. If you have an office in Hong Kong, for example, you want to make full use of Hong Kong Chinese professional talent in the fields of marketing, advertising and sales. Many companies have the ability and allies by lost he alienated the attitude that, as Americans, they automatically know better than their foreign counterparts.